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Frequently asked questions asked by parents looking for the best schools near Larkhall

How do I find out what schools are available around Larkhall? 

There are some frighteningly frank websites for you to choose from. The Government one is https://www.gov.uk/school-performance-tables . You simply enter your location, perhaps Larkhall, or another location and select primary schools or secondary schools. All the information parents need all there in percentages!

You could also try the paid for websites like www.schoolguide.co.uk . This one is quite cheap and you can pay monthly.

This is of course just the very first stage in selecting a school. You will to need see the videos on this page before even thinking of visiting the shortlist of schools on your list.

How do I find the state school catchment area in or around Larkhall? 
If you just need to know your school catchment area try www.admissionsday.co.uk .If you are looking for exhaustive information on the schools as well go to www.goodschoolsguide.co.uk

How do I find out how good a school is?
You will absolutely have to visit the school. However, do look at the video below. For armed is to be fore warned!

Nursery Schools

What's the difference between nursery and preschool? 
Preschools usually work around a formal curriculum and trained teachers - making them a little more expensive! Nursery schools are usually a more relaxed learning environment and more flexible enrolment terms. They are also cheaper and vary greatly.

What age is a preschooler? Ages up to 4 is considered preschooler with toddlers are 1 - 3 year old bracket. Basically 4-year-old are not 'toddling' around any more and so are no longer toddlers!

What does preschool mean? A preschool, or nursery school, is a pre-primary school, or play school for early childhood education. Preschool is for children before they begin compulsory education at primary school. 

Is Pre K considered preschool? Pre K schools are pre-kindergartens.

This page should help you answer these school finding questions!


Local Area Creches and Day Nurseries for ML9
Click also to find: Childcare Services, Nursery Schools, After School Care

PreSchools and Playgroups for Larkhall

Happy Feet Nursery & Out of School Club

47-49 Claude St, Larkhall ML9 2BU, UK – 01698 313111

Extremely professional team at the Nursery whose number 1 priority is the kids. Can't praise them highly enough.....


After School Care

Happy Feet Kool Kidz Zone

98 Union St, Larkhall ML9 1EF, UK – 01698 883392

Outstanding after school care - really can't fault them.

Big Bird Community Hub

13 Union St, Larkhall ML9 1DX, UK

Great holiday club for the kids with trips and activities.

Big Bird Afterschool Club Ltd

9 Union St, Stonehouse, Larkhall ML9 1DX, UK – 01698 888844

The flight flew from RAF Brize Norton on 24th April 2024 with 500 cuddly giraffes on board to raise money and awareness for Great Ormond Street Hospital in memory of Louise Conway who died at just nine years old of leukaemia in 2013. Queen Ethelburga's Collegiate donated 50% of the production costs on behalf of the junior school, Chapter House, and our Forces community across campus - which is about 25% of our total student population.

For more information see:

Choosing a school around Larkhall. This is an Australian video but has some really good Tips!

Larkhall Independent Schools - Prep & Secondary - for Larkhall

Independent Schools for Larkhall - private preparatory and senior schools. Prep schools age 8 yrs to 11yrs or 13 yrs. Senior schools age 11yrs or 13 yrs to 18yrs. Some independent schools have a pre-prep department (age 3 to 8yrs) as well as prep and senior schools. Independent schools can be co-educational or single sex.

Best Larkhall Secondary Schools -

Larkhall Academy

Broomhill Rd, South Lanarkshire, Larkhall ML9 1QN, UK – 01698 552170

colin clarkson cheated on his exams and still failed but its ok he loves me

u r mongo

Independent Schools

St Mary’s Primary School

Raploch Road, Larkhall ML9 2BJ, UK – 01698 881121

Very good school with high quality education.


Local Authority Schools - Primary & Secondary Schools

Local Authority primary and secondary schools for ML9 1HX . LEA primary schools age 4yrs (the year in which a child is 5) to 11yrs. Secondary schools age 11yrs to 16yrs or 18 yrs. Each school has a local catchment area.

Primary Schools

Machanhill Primary School

Machanhill, Larkhall ML9 2HG, UK – 01698 882101

We are the best school! 🤘

Ur school is okay

Hareleeshill Primary School

Myrtle Lane, Larkhall ML9 2RQ, UK – 01698 883155

I love hareslshill its such a great

I Love it

Glengowan Primary School

Summerlee Road, Larkhall ML9 2UH, UK – 01698 882208

I'm away tae larkhall academy so goodbye hell oh and btw I'm stuck in the bike shed

i just got out the toilet been stuck in their for 7 years who needs help getting out u just have to unlock the door

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted reports directly to Parliament and is independent and impartial, inspecting and regulating services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

Click for the full database of OFSTED's inspection reports - check out schools in ML9 or anywhere in the country.
GetTheRightSchool was formed to offer a unique reference point on getting your child into the school of your choice. The web site covers all you need to about education choices with tips and a guide to the application process and issues that could impact your child's school day, from dealing with bullying, to money issues, to how to work out school catchment areas when they move schools.
Independent Schools Council Website - has a search facility: by county, school or postcode. The ISC brings together eight associations of independent schools, their heads, bursars and governors and represents over 1,200 independent schools in the UK and overseas.
Schools Web Directory - lists all UK local education authorities with a click-through to their websites. Each Local Authority has lists of its own schools and details of application procedures.
Contact details & Websites of 4,065 Schools in Ireland - search by map or county list
Lists more than 31,000 UK state and independent schools and colleges, including over 26,000 UK School, College and University Websites. Search for schools or search for educational establishments anywhere in the UK by geographical county, postcode, name or LEA.

BBC Live Educational News

Dyslexia support centres
Click also to find: Education Agencies & Authorities, Schools - Independent & Preparatory
Special schools for Larkhall for moderate to severe learning difficulties, ADHD, Autism, Physical impairment, complex health needs, communication difficulties, dyspraxia and other special needs.

Special Needs Schools around you

Glengowan Primary School

Summerlee Road, Larkhall ML9 2UH, UK – 01698 882208

I'm away tae larkhall academy so goodbye hell oh and btw I'm stuck in the bike shed

i just got out the toilet been stuck in their for 7 years who needs help getting out u just have to unlock the door

Website with facility to search for many different kinds of special needs schools and links to lots of support groups.  Find a special needs school near Larkhall or search the website for special schools throughout the UK

Adult Education Centres for ML9 - Language Tuition

Adult Education Centres for Larkhall which may run evening or daytime language classes

Adult Education

Gemini School of Dance

45 Muir St, Larkhall ML9 2BQ, UK – 07989 473534

Fantastic wee dance school, Julie is amazing with ALL the kids she treats them all like wee superstars no matter their ability and it's very good value for money and you don't have to pay if your kids are not there, no monthly block payments etc, highly recommended xx

Language Schools

Larkhall Academy

Broomhill Rd, South Lanarkshire, Larkhall ML9 1QN, UK – 01698 552170

colin clarkson cheated on his exams and still failed but its ok he loves me

u r mongo

Language Schools for Larkhall

Language schools for ML9. Also consider Adult Education Centres which might run evening language classes

Private Tutors for Larkhall

Private Tuition for ML9
Click also to find: Language Schools, Translators & Interpreters

Private Tutors

We could not find any Private Tutors around your location. Please click below to see full results from Google.

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